No. 1317 May 2014
Whole issue as print ready pdf:
- Editorial: People not Profits
- Pathfinders: Harpoons and Handy Gadgets
- A Return to Full Employment?
- Halo Halo!
- Euro Election Activity
- Cooking the Books: Capitalism and Inequality
- Material World: Pacific but not Peaceful
- Greasy Pole: Tony Benn – Getting it Wrong
- Election Manifestos
- If We Wanted
- Zambia: The Copper Elephant
- A Rant About the ‘Right to Food’
- War on the Nile?
- Cooking the Books: Harry Graeber and the Magic Wand
- Mixed Media: The British Black Panther Movement
- Book Reviews: 'The Poor Stockinger', 'Life After the State', & ' S.O.S. Alternatives to Capitalism'
- Film Review: 'The Pervert's Guide to Ideology'
- Proper Gander: Mythtaken Identity
- 50 Years Ago: City & Labour Party
- Action Replay: Some Are More Equal
- Voice From the Back
- Cartoon: Free Lunch