BBC contributions
- Scottish independence: Tax alone ‘cannot tackle inequality’1:04pm on 21 Jan 2014
- No government can address inequality.It is like asking a sheep to wean a lion.It is from inequality PROFIT arises.Only abolishing the wages & prices system with equal access for all ends poverty. Capitalism can not be reformed and needs replaced by global democratic free access socialism, based upon the operating tenet,”From each according to their ability to each according to their needs.”
- David Cameron dismisses Robert Gates’ defence cuts warning04:10am on 17 Jan 2014
- Of course what is missing in these discourses is any recognition of war being an inevitable concomitant of capitalism along with poverty.It is just seen as some natural event which has to be prepared for and resources committed to this potentiality.If we abolish capitalism, the wages system and establish a global free access socialist society,we will end all war and poverty from this planet.
- Labour leader Ed Miliband: Middle class facing crisis2:19pm on 14 Jan 2014
- There is no middle class .If you ‘have’ to work for a wage or salary you = working class.if you derive enough income from inheritance or investments so you don’t ‘have’ to work then you are a member of the capitalist class.(Not pensioners,pensions are deferred wages)The top and bottom income brackets have a common interest in removing wage-slavery & making democratic free access socialist society.
- Nick Clegg backs ‘eminently sensible’ EU benefit changes4:35pm on 12 Jan 2014
- It all amounts to a slavish demands.Please don’t give my wage-slavery opportunity,which keeps me in poverty either actual or relative, to another who wasn’t born into wage slavery HERE.It proceeds from a lie that employment is a route out of poverty in the first place.Untrue.Exploitation takes place at the point of production.Abolish the Wages System.Establish Free Access Global Socialism.
- Nick Clegg backs ‘eminently sensible’ EU benefit changes1:33pm on 12 Jan 2014
- Scummy politicians sing from the same hymn sheet.It is not OUR national debt but the capitalist class’s national debt.Workers have no country but have more in common with workers of all lands and none than with the parasite capitalist class.Capital is expropriated labour. Abolish the wages system,establish a democratic free access society for all and do away with government,nations and politics.
- Tesco, Morrison and M&S: Ouch3:38pm on 09 Jan 2014
- Twenty Scottish businesses are forecast to go bust each week this year,as the nation continues to struggle under a mountain of historic debt.
Sears Canada Inc. suffered a loss of $48.8in the third quarter of the year, You can bet the investors are taken care of while the unlucky workers will have to scramble to make ends meet.Things will never change unless we organize for socialism. - The impact of the chancellor’s new cuts11:55pm on 06 Jan 2014
- The fact,which dominates most people’s lives, that they are forced to do what bosses tell them to do, or else starve? Why is there so little outrage about this, or even concern about it? For socialists, the interests of the working class and the interests of the system are fundamentally opposed and this is the reason why we maintain that revolutionary transformation of society is needed.
- The impact of the chancellor’s new cuts4:00pm on 06 Jan 2014
- We need a global system of society in which there will be common
ownership and democratic control of the worlds natural and industrial resources. A world social system in which each person has free access to the benefits of civilisation and an equal say in how their society is run; a world in which production is freed from the artificial constraints of profit and used for the benefit of all.
- What will 2014 mean to you?1:46pm on 01 Jan 2014
- Unless the worlds workers realise capitalism can’t be reformed, get off their collective knees,dismiss politicians and establish a democratic free access society,any hope is misplaced and despair will be the inevitable lot of the majority .Humanity is staring into the abyss, and our do-nothing politicians still cry ‘forward in the name of growth!’ Is that progress? Is that worth voting for?
- Cameron to Scots: We want you to stay1:32pm on 01 Jan 2014
- This system ensures that a minority owns the means with which wealth is produced and distributed whilst the vast majority owns nothing. The world must be owned and controlled by all humanity. “Let’s not be English, French or German anymore. … Let’s be Humanity. All we have to do is get rid of one last piece of egocentricity – patriotism.” -Victor Hugo
- Nigel Farage calls for Syrian refugees to be allowed into UK1:53pm on 29 Dec 2013
- What an extraordinary notion that so many members of the human race should be forced to remain where they happened to be born. The capitalist class don’t stay put. Apologists for capitalism never attack the upper class. Can’t really expect the rulers and the ruled to be judged by the same yardstick, can you? Get some perspective here,
- A messy banking union00:11am on 19 Dec 2013
- We can do away with the market system altogether and establish a democratic free access socialist society without needing any means of exchange. We won’t need money,banks,governments,nation-state,armies navies and air-forces.Abolish the wages system,give of your labour according to your ability and take according to need.
- People born in 1960s and 1970s ‘poorer’ than previous generation10:42am on 17 Dec 2013
- If you settle for crumbs from the table then you will always be exploited and the rate of exploitation will grow.Read Tressells “Great Money Trick”.
Address real ownership of the world and all its resources from a perspective of common ownership and democratic control.
- People born in 1960s and 1970s ‘poorer’ than previous generation09:49am on 17 Dec 2013
- It is all actual and relative poverty though.If you are born poor most likely you will die poor.Unless you are a member of the parasite class.Capitalism can’t be reformed away.Reforms are clawed back when profits are threatened.Even deals struck on wages and pensions will be reneged upon.Remove the upper class and establish real socialism.
- ‘Half of Lords’ clock in to claim expenses09:22am on 17 Dec 2013
- While live on less than £300 per week,it is not envy which motivates me but a desire to remove the parasitic layer of the capitalist class and its functionaries from the social system and establish a democratic ,free access socialist society organised around the tenet,’from each according to their ability to each according to their needs’.
Abolish the wages system.
- Spain to block Catalonia independence referendum7:02pm on 12 Dec 2013
- Workers have no country .Workers should disdain national struggles.There is a class struggle;the working class should recognise it; then they must organise economically and politically upon the basis of that struggle; and that when they do so organise they will then have the power to free themselves and put an end to that struggle forever.
- MPs’ 11% pay rise plan unveiled by salaries watchdog1:30pm on 12 Dec 2013
- Politicians run capitalism.Focus on your own wages.Higher wages,shorter work hours are sometimes possible under capitalism,instead of the conservative motto: “A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work!” you ought to make your objective: “Abolition of the wages system!” ‘ (Karl Marx, Value, Price and Profit, 1865.
- Is prudential tinkering our salvation?11:24am on 10 Dec 2013
- Robert says,”Or to tell you what you probably know, each era’s solution to an economic crisis contains within it the causes of the subsequent crisis.”..So also said Karl Marx writing about Industrial capitalism. I learned that at SPGB Glasgow branch school.The global solution to it is for you all ,Abolish the wages and prices system and establish a global democratic free access socialist society.
- Food prices in an independent Scotland12:31pm on 09 Dec 2013
- It is absurd to think that any country can be independent in an interdependent global capitalism.Food ,clothing, labour-power are commodities which have their price fixed by the prevailing market.The answer is a democratic socialist free access global commonwealth,without nations,wages,prices, governments,trade,armies,war.
- Most people classed as being in poverty ‘have job’3:17pm on 08 Dec 2013
- I see comments about socialist governments here.There is no such thing and never was any such thing.While many in Labour governments considered themselves to be socialist,the best they could do was manage capitalism.Capitalism can’t be reformed.It has to be replaced with a global self managed free access society without wages,prices,government.
When will people wake up to the fact that even when the economy booms 90% of us are waged slaves & will remain enslaved to a anarchic system which will crash again. Time for a global democratic, free access, world society where all goods & services , the means of production& distribution are owned in common without government buying,selling nation states, money, wages & ruling class or politicians.
Stevo said
"Jumping before they are pushed....don't you just want these 'socialists' running the country!"
The Labour party & Left parties aren't 'socialists'.
Socialism is a global democratic, free access, world society where all goods & services , the means of production& distribution are owned in common without government buying,selling nation states money wages & ruling class or politicians.
The Guardian 11/04/2014
The majority of people must sell their ability to work in return for a wage or salary.
If you 'have' to do this you are a member of the working class and your interests are diametrically opposed to those of the capitalist class.
The working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit.
All wealth springs from labour applied to natural resources.
Profit is gained by the capitalist class because they can make more money selling what we have produced than we cost to buy on the labour market. In this sense,of waged-slavery, the working class are exploited by the capitalist class.
As long as capitalism exists, profits will always take priority over our real needs. Some workers welcome reforms; some reforms have improved working class conditions, but no reform can abolish that basic contradiction between profits and need.
No matter how well meaning the politicians, nor how colourful their promises, they are bound to fail because they do not control the system – it controls them.
The governments of the world may well introduce a thousand reforms, but we would still continue to live in a world ravaged by starvation, war, homelessness, unemployment, poverty and every other social ill. We would still live in a two class society, with our real needs subordinated to the wishes of a minority. Why campaign for crumbs when the whole bakery is there to be taken?
We need to collectively establish a post capitalist society of global, democratic, free access,socialism,locally,regionally and globally administered by ourselves without classes and solve the problem of distribution,with an organising tenet of "from each according to their ability to each according to their needs".
Banish wage slavery,abolish the wages and prices system and the need for markets.You have a world to win.
The Guardian 30/03/14
Surely if we wish to end privilege, we should abolish the system which grants all privileged access to the wealth produced by the majority of the worlds population to the capitalist class.
Work with 'The World Socialist Movement' (Google it), to end the parasitic capitalist social system and work to establish a ,global,democratic,free access society of common ownership and democratic control of all the means and instruments for creating and distributing wealth by and in the interests of the whole population, without the need for,rationing access to the producers in the form of wages and prices.
At a stroke by abolishing the wages system and prices system, we do away with the parasite classes,governments,nation states,figureheads of states,who bring nothing to the production process anyway.Capital is just wealth already plundered by the wages system.
It doesn't matter.Religion is for slaves ."The cry of the oppressed,.. voice of the damned.."Workers have no country but live in a material world which they have yet to win, to share with fellow workers globally on a materialist basis,"From each according to their ability to each according to their needs", in a free access socialist society, which will laugh at the culpability of slavish believers.