"yir arse is oot the windae"
The Socialist Party is not a part of the "left." We are opposed to measures which tinker with
and attempt to reform capitalism. The left on the other hand have kept their
agenda well hidden, if it has a discernable revolutionary current, it isn't
obvious , indeed , even their active supporters appear afraid to engage with
any discussion about what socialism *is*.
However , it has been a " left " tactic in the past where they are
hypocritically asking workers to vote for a parliamentary party to get reforms
which you know you can't get, on a road which they don’t support , to socialism
,which is not defined except , that it is recognisable as another state
capitalism . The Socialist Party is opposed to such trickery of workers.
Simply, the "left" are not socialists and to argue it is then "yir
arse is oot the windae", as we say.
Even limited equality cannot be achieved, while retaining the profit
motive - It is economically impossible.
The Socialist on the
other hand are quite explicit that socialism is, "the common ownership and
democratic control of all the means and instruments for producing and
distributing wealth by and on behalf of the whole population ". In other
word a free access society. We stand for the original idea of socialism. Untrammelled
by statist failures, indeed we predicted all of these failures. The "left"
appear to want to administer capitalism. Far from splitting the " left
", we despise the "left " for its political cowardice, (being
unable or unwilling to describe socialism to workers and nail their true
colours to the socialist mast), of opportunism, (interference in workers
struggles and grass roots movements to subvert them to their cause), and for
its pretensions, (of assuming to know what socialism is, and presenting itself
as a leadership towards it.)
The Socialist Party urges workers to "Abolish the wages
system ". We insist that socialism as defined above is an immediate and
practical possibility, requiring only a majority of workers who know what it
is, who desire it and are willing to organise as equals, without a vanguard of
political leaders forming an elite and a cadre of misinformed workers, as their
expendable cannon fodder and irrelevant pawns , (our job is to inform , relay ,
and assist in this ) unlike the Leninist - Trotskyist , and former CP-er
Stalinist Left , we don’t , as Lenin said , regard workers, "left to their
own devices as being only capable of achieving trade union consciousness."
What exactly is the purpose of the SPGB standing in elections?
To put the case for socialism, as no others do this, made by workers seizing
control of their own destiny and working for socialism, without the leadership
of vanguardist organisations or any other leadership. The Socialist Party does
not look for support or supporters, rather we insist that on the contrary
workers learn what socialism is, and join us as equals to bring it about. We
don’t wish to lead them. They will not need leadership if they make themselves
socialist. We don’t lie to workers by pretending, that by voting for reforms,
or any other measure they are supporting socialism. We do not intervene in
workers struggles, except as workers in struggle. We are stand against *all*
the capitalist parties , this inevitably includes the “left” parties as they
support a reformed capitalism with them as the new bosses, retaining wage
labour capital, government control, and their platforms reflect this. The left
ARE the forces of capitalism. Simply put, we are the only revolutionary
alternative to capitalism. It is by insisting that left-wing reforms can
ameliorate the conditions of workers , and that this equates to a "socialist
" response , and who so mistrust the workers, that they can't describe the
socialist alternative to them, are indeed the real reactionary element, leaving
workers confusedly equating socialism with these tired and out-moded tried and
failed remedies of the last century. (The Labour Party, The Communist Party,
Social Democrat Parties of all stripes).
The Socialist Party has an honourable record since 1904 of
never selling socialism short, and insisting it is an immediate and practical
goal, requiring no other minimum demand, now that the vote has been won, that
it can only be brought into existence by the workers themselves, comprising a
majority, who know and understand what socialism is, a free access global society,
without nation states. We don’t pander to nationalist sentiments, following
slavishly Lenin's silly "Imperialism as the Highest Form of Capitalism"
dogma. Our demand is the world for the workers and not for some new
state-capitalist entity, or permissible level of wage slavery. In fact, many
left-wing platforms to-day are even less radical than the Old Labour ones,
where mistakenly they thought they were ushering in a new era, and piously
mouthed phrases such as "we are the masters now " and "socialism
will come like a thief in the night".
Wee Matt
A Bit of Light Relief
This little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?"
says,"Well son, let me try to explain it this way. I'm the bread-winner
of the family, so let's call me Capitalism. Your mom, she's the
administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here
to take care of your needs, so we'll call you Human Needs. The nanny,
we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call
him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense."
the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said. Later
that night he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on
him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. So the
little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door
locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the
nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed.
next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I
understand the concept of politics now."The father says, "Good, son,
tell me in your own words what you think politics is about."
The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, Human Needs are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit."
Capitalism cannot be reformed
We are offended by applying the description of 'socialism' to any of the
Trotskyite parties, or even to the Labour Party. The Labour party has
never been a socialist party.
“The Labour party has never been a socialist party, although there
have always been socialists in it – a bit like Christians in the Church
of England.” (Tony Benn)
It is grossly unjust also to smear people who have joined the Labour
Party in this way, some of them might be, a small minority, not
significant in respect of numbers and those will be practising
'entry-ism' but can easily be expelled later.
Supporting either the top-down machinations of Leninist control freaks
who would only establish a state-capitalist dictatorship over the
workers ,or the 'business friendly Labour party, or any parties of the
left, right, centre of capitalism, who would govern over the workers, is
a deluded choice. Leftist, rightist, centrist, are all manifestations
of types of capitalism and that the term 'leftist' is devoid of any
particular significance.
Capitalism cannot be reformed despite the well-meaning intentions of
decent people in any of those political parties and has to be replaced
by a new system of; production for use; democratic delegation, free
access; and common ownership of all the means and instruments for
creating and distributing wealth run by ourselves. Socialism is a
post-capitalist society which will need to be established by the workers
of the world, by themselves and for themselves.
Labour's infamous Clause 4 reflected their confused understanding of
what socialism is, entails and constitutes. First, it equates common
ownership with state ownership. i.e. Nationalisation. State intervention
is not socialism. The state exists to help manage the affairs of the
ruling class and may indeed intervene in their general interests,
nationalising, welfare, to keep the workers fit for future exploitation
etc. Secondly it calls for the common ownership of the means of
production, distribution and exchange. (our emphasis.) But a real
commonly owned society would not require a means of rationing access to
commonly owned wealth. It is a free access society.
No, the emancipation of the working class is freedom from waged slavery,
common ownership of all the means and instruments for producing and
distributing wealth, production for use, utilising technological and
informational infrastructure to provide self-regulation stock control
systems and free access for all within a delegatory democratic
administration over resources and not people by the people themselves
and not a government.
We have a world to make and win and the organising societal ethos which
will percolate through this, which proceeds from the organising tenet, "From each according to their ability to each according to their needs" will provide the social framework which will shape human behaviour, self-determinedly.
Capitalism cannot be reformed. However, well-intentioned politicians may
be it is not in their gift to bestow upon us more “humble mortals”.
"The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the
working classes themselves. We cannot, therefore, co-operate with people
who openly state that the workers are too uneducated to emancipate
themselves and must be freed from above by philanthropic big bourgeois
and petty bourgeois.’ (1879 Marx and Engels)
It is a post-capitalist society and damn all to do with nationalisation
or the state-capitalism imposed by the feudal conditions of Russian
experience or the state management over people and resources envisaged
by the Labour Party.
The whole point of capitalism is to keep a relatively impoverished class
of workers toiling away to produce an immense accumulated source of
wealth for the parasite capitalist class and banks are just a money
changing part of this.
"If money, according to Augier, “comes into the world with a
congenital blood-stain on one cheek,” capital comes dripping from head
to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt." (Marx)
Dissolve the governments and politicians, elect yourselves into building a socialist world.
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